Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Microsoft is introducing support for mixed reality to Windows 10, next month by Mudit Mohilay

Logtonet. - This is one of information for you for Microsoft is introducing support for mixed reality to Windows 10, next month by Mudit Mohilay.

Image Courtesy of https://thetechportal.com

Microsoft has been talking about introducing mixed reality to its platforms since the past few months. The creator’s update we have been hearing about since last year is expected to give mixed reality a position of prominence within the Microsoft ecosystem. The company has now announced a date for when we can expect the highly anticipated update to roll out.

Speaking with UploadVR, Microsoft has confirmed that it will be rolling out the latest version of its Windows 10 platform come April 11. The company also said that the update will include support for mixed reality and will be free for all users. This point is certainly interesting but the mixed reality support we are talking about here is mostly moot from a consumer perspective until Acer and other partner manufacturers start launching devices (such as headsets) that actually support the technology.

However, this support will prove to be very beneficial to developers and programmers who are looking to start creating consumable content and other applications for the devices — including Acer’s headsets which are coming in the holidays — manufacturer’s are going to be introducing with an eye towards capitalizing upon the Windows OS’s newfound capabilities.

And now you can read more this information with the article titled Microsoft is introducing support for mixed reality to Windows 10, next month by Mudit Mohilay from the original source using link here.

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