Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Free Download Chief Architect Premier X8 18 [X86-X64] plus Crack for Windows and MAC

Logtonet. - This is one of 3D design software that called with Chief Architect for Windows and MAC. Using this software now you can do 3D design the file from your computer or laptop easily in your PC in this time. One of the version of this software is Chief Architect Premier X8 18 [X86-X64] plus Crack for Windows and MAC.

Image Courtesy of Izofile

Now, we will give you global description about this this software and we also will give you the link to take free download Chief Architect Premier X8 18 [X86-X64] plus Crack for Windows and MAC from external server easily. Don't forget in here we also give you guidance on how to install this software to your computer.


Izofile site describe that Chief Architect Premier X8 18 Final release is the most wanted software in architecture filed. This CAD software is not just an architecture software and also a house design software, it is a complete solution for every architect engineer.

This gorgeous program is used by many users around the world in the main purpose of designing a 3D design architecture for their own house and also their apartment.

The design is virtual and you can build your room and also your house from scratch. With the powerful tools that he had for creating architectural design Chief Architect Premier X8 18 + crack is the best solution for creating a 3D design for your room.

How to Install?


  1. Run [Chief_Architect_Premier-] and install the program
  2. Close the program
  3. Extract the patch and copy & paste “CAX8Patch.exe” to installation directory.
  4. Run “CAX8Patch.exe” as admin then click to patch the program.
  5. Have fun using Chief Architect Premier X8 Full Version.


  1. Run “Crack_Chief_Architect_Premier-”
  2. Double click to “CAX8patch” file and click “Patch”
  3. Have fun using Chief Architect Premier X8 Full Version.


And now you can click the link below to take free download Chief Architect Premier X8 18 [X86-X64] plus Crack for Windows and MAC from external server easily.


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