Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Impossible Dream of a Made-in-America iPhone by Patentlyapple

Logtonet. - This is one information for you from Apple, inc from the article with the title The Impossible Dream of a Made-in-America iPhone that published in Patentlyapple.

Some, like Presidential candidate Donald Trump, think that if Apple was given the right tax beaks to bring back their money that's offshore and get Foxconn to open a plant in the US, that it could bring back needed jobs to America. Although Apple's CEO said it wasn't just about cheap labor, it was about tool and die shops and infrastructure, that's something that could be fixed to accommodate Apple and other US companies if there's a plan to resurrect America's one-time leadership in this area. The question is, will Americans and Canadians pay $100 more per iPhone? I think they would if it meant putting America back on track and bring jobs to those without university degrees. Yesterday, the MIT Technology Review presented their case on the matter.

The MIT report states that "Today Apple contractors assemble iPhones in seven factories—six in China and one in Brazil. If the phones were assembled in the U.S. but Apple still sourced components globally, how much would that change the price of the device?

According to IHS, a market analyst, the components of an iPhone 6s Plus, which sells for $749, cost about $230. An iPhone SE, Apple's newest model, sells for $399, and IHS estimates it contains $156 worth of components.

Now you can read more about this article with the title The Impossible Dream of a Made-in-America iPhone, you can read it from original source using link here.

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